Principles of Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care
May 1 - 4, 2025

Keynote Speaker

Clyde Matava MBChB DA MMed MHsC
Staff Anesthesiologist | Associate Professor
Associate Chief, Perioperative Services for Bioinformatics
Director of Anesthesia Informatics, Innovation and Technology, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Hospital for Sick Children

Friday, May 2, 2025, 10:15-11:15 AM
Keynote Lecture: A Critical Look at Artificial Intelligence and Anesthesia Practice
Moderator: Julia Galvez Delgado MD MBI

Dr. Matava is a Staff Anesthesiologist at SickKids Hospital and an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. He serves as the Associate Chief of Perioperative Services for Bioinformatics and leads as Director of Anesthesia Informatics, Innovation, and Technology in the Department of Anesthesia at SickKids. Dr. Matava has developed numerous applications and has been honored with multiple teaching and innovation awards. His research focuses on integrating advanced technologies like big data, clinical informatics, and machine learning to enhance and optimize patient care. He has previously served as President of the Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society. He is currently President of the Society for Technology in Anesthesia Board, and Chair of the Epic Anesthesia Specialty Steering Board. He holds several editorial positions at the journals Pediatric Anesthesia, Journal of Medical Systems and Anesthesiology. His clinical interests lie in airway management and regional anesthesia.



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