The Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine is pleased to announce the creation of the SPPM Education and Research Fund. The purpose of this fund is to support the activities that enhance and advance the educational and research endeavors. The Fund will be utilized to support speakers, educational efforts, research and other projects perceived to be critical to the mission of the Society and benefit of its members.
Examples of uses for this Fund may include, but are not limited to: world renowned special speakers, educational efforts (workshops, on-line CME modules, or educational materials), grants for research, or other projects approved by the Board of Directors.
Our goal is to raise pledges to support advancement of research and education in pediatric pain medicine. Specifically, your support would allow SPPM to fund education and research endeavors in pediatric pain medicine.
We hope that you will encourage your department chair or hospital leadership to make contributions to this worthy cause. They could choose to match your contribution or determine an independent amount.
Any amount of support, large or small, will be appreciated and we hope that you will support this worthy cause at ANY level. Our support to advance this worthy cause in pediatric pain medicine is critical for the future of our children affected by pain.