
Join SPPM Today!

First Name:
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Title: M.D. Ph.D. D.O. other (specify)

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Office Phone:
Date of Birth: /  / 
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Hospital Affiliation:
Academic Degrees and other Professional Certification, with dates:   /  / 
  /  / 
  /  / 
Type of Practice: Private

Membership classifications:

Active Members $475 (SPPM/SPA Membership)

Active Members $600 (SPPM/SPA/CCAS Membership)

Physicians practicing in the US and Canada who have an interest in pediatric pain medicine, are eligible to be members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (the "ASA"), AND are active members of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA). Each Active Member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to the membership of the Section for a vote.

Active B Members $100 (SPPM Only Membership)

The SPPM Active B class of membership shall consist of physicians who practice or have an interest in pediatric pain medicine and are ineligible to be members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists; and psychologists, nurses, physical therapists and other non-physician providers who practice or have an interest in pediatric pain medicine. Any person classified as an SPPM Active B member shall have full SPPM voting privileges and shall be eligible for election to the Society's Board of Directors.

Affiliate A Members $475 (SPPM/SPA Membership)

Affiliate A Members $600 (SPPM/SPA/CCAS Membership)

Physicians practicing in the US and Canada who are ineligible to be members of ASA and persons who are not physicians, who have an interest in pediatric pain medicine, and are affiliate members of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA). Affiliate A Members shall not be entitled to vote on any matters submitted to the membership of the Section for a vote.

Affiliate B Members $75 (SPPM Only - not eligible for SPA membership)

Physicians practicing in the US and Canada who are ineligible to be members of ASA and persons who are not physicians, who have an interest in pediatric pain medicine, but are not practicing or interested in pediatric anesthesia and are ineligible for membership with the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA).
Affiliate B members will be shown as Affiliate Members on the membership record of the Section but not on the membership record of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA) unless they also choose to become members of SPA. Affiliate Members shall not be entitled to vote on any matters submitted to the membership of the Section for a vote.

International Members (SPPM/SPA/CCAS Membership) Tier 1 ($75) Tier 2 ($48) Tier 3 ($24) Tier 4 ($9)

Physicians practicing outside of the US and Canada who have an interest in pediatric anesthesia and pediatric pain medicine. International members will receive membership to Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia and the Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society. The tiered dues categories are based on the World Bank of Economies. Please refer to the SPA Website to determine your tier.

Medical Student: Complimentary

Medical School Student Membership: Students from an accredited medical school who have an interest in pediatric anesthesia, pediatric cardiac anesthesia, or pediatric pain management. Student Members will receive membership with SPA, CCAS, and SPPM. Stembers shall not be entitled to vote on any matters submitted to the membership of SPA, CCAS, SPPM for a vote.

Resident & Fellow Members

Resident: Complimentary (SPPM/SPA/CCAS Membership)

Fellow $100 (SPPM/SPA/CCAS Membership)

Physicians who are in an approved residency training program, or are performing post-residency fellowship training. It shall also include trainees in other health care-related fields such as nursing, psychology or pharmacology. Members shall not be entitled to vote on any matters submitted to the membership of the Section for a vote. Resident and Fellow Members receive membership to Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia and the Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society.

International Trainee $15 (SPPM/SPA/CCAS Membership)

Fellows and residents outside of North America. Intnational Trainee members will receive memberships with SPA, CCAS and SPPM.

I am applying for:

Active SPPM/SPA Membership $475
Active SPA/CCAS/SPPM Membership $600
Active B SPPM Membership $100
Affiliate A SPPM/SPA Membership $475
Affiliate A SPA/CCAS/SPPM Membership $600
Affiliate B SPPM Only Membership $75
International Membership Tier 1 with SPA, CCAS and SPPM $75
International Membership Tier 2 with SPA, CCAS and SPPM $48
International Membership Tier 3 with SPA, CCAS and SPPM $24
International Membership Tier 4 with SPA, CCAS and SPPM $9
Medical Student $0
International Trainee $15
Fellow Membership $100
Resident Membership $0
      Residency Director:
      Residency Completion Date:  /   / 


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  For VISA or MasterCard it is on the back of your card in the signature box. The 3-digit code is printed on the right-hand side of your 16-digit credit card number.
For American Express the code is the 4-digit number printed on the front of your card either on the right-hand side directly above the credit card number or the left-hand side directly above the credit card number.
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Note: This is a secure transaction system. However, if entering your credit card information online makes you uncomfortable, please pay by check. Send all checks to SPPM, 2209 Dickens Road, Richmond, VA 23230-2005
Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine
2209 Dickens Rd • Richmond, VA 23230-2005
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